The AVATAR team is a collaboration across multiple sites in the UK. We receive funding from The Wellcome Trust Innovations Division.
We have several partners who bring knowledge to the team through their own academic and clinical work as well as those who are experts by experience.
The AVATAR therapy project is led by researchers at King’s College London (KCL). The other sites are the University of Glasgow, University of Manchester and University College London (UCL).
The AVATAR therapy software was developed at UCL by Professor Mark Huckvale. If you would like to find out more about the software please visit this website: http://www.avatartherapy.co.uk.
The AVATAR therapy clinical manuals have been developed by researchers at King’s College London with funding from the Wellcome Trust. Currently the manuals and training are only available for those clinicians and teams participating in the AVATAR2 trial.
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) means working in collaboration and co-production with people with lived experience of mental health issues. This is central to the AVATAR2 trial. There are local PPI reference groups in each site who will provide support and input to the AVATAR2 trial. The PPI members (people with lived experience) will take a leading role in a range of activities which will include: supporting staff and participant recruitment, developing accessible information sheets, co-producing research exploring people’s experience of AVATAR Therapy, and supporting public dissemination of the study.
Find out more about PPI on our Patient & Public Involvement page.